St.Augustine Centre

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Themes of African History 1500 To 1871

  1. Agricultural (Neolithic revolution)
  2. Diffusion and use of metals
  3. Classification of African peoples using linguistic techniques
  4. Migrations of Ethnic groups
  5. Sources of African History


Themes of East African History 1500 To 1900

  1. Pre-history of East Africa
  2. East Africa – the Cradle of man
  3. Stone Age Culture
  4. Iron Age Revolution
  5. Neolithic Revolution
  6. Sources of East African History
  7. The Peopling and Settlement of East Africa
  8. State Formation
  9. Social Organizations
  10. The Growth of Coastal city states
  11. Production and Exchange relations
  12. Slavery and Slave trade
  13. Inter-state and long distance trade
  14. Islam and Christianity
  15. Inter-state relations


Sociology of Work and Industry

This course addresses critical issues of every day life in industrial settings, with particular emphasis on understanding the intra and inter-organizational relations in industry and their effect on production. It also addresses analysis of conceptual models in Sociology concerned with production, distribution, exchange and consumption; analysis of social relations in industrial settings; the effects of technology in work organizations; the structure of management and its influence on industrial relations.   

Criminal Justice Policy

This course offers an overview of theoretical developments and empirical research in criminology and criminal policy. It will address major defining theoretical tradition and critical empirical test of that theory. It will also offer a critique of the theory or the research generated by it. In addition, it will offer an attempt to translate the theory into policy. The major issues addressed will include introductions, social disorganization, differential association, anomie, and social control theories.

Experimental Design

The course introduces student to the scientific/experimental method of doing research. It helps the student appreciate the scientific/experimental method of doing research and appreciate how psychological and other scientific knowledge is generated and to enable the student to be able to attempt to establish cause and effect relationships through simple scientific/experimental research  

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