CIT Conference Room

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College Unit & Department: 

Computer Vision

The course explores the design of computer algorithms and hardware that models the structure and properties of visual data.  It explores techniques of analysis, reconstruction, digitalizing and water marking images.   

E-Service Delivery

The course begins by looking the definitions of e-governance and e- government. The course then introduces policy and management issues specific to e- governance. The course seeks to introduce students to topics salient to effective governmental  adoption  and  implementation  of  initiatives  mediated  by  the  Internet, including e-procurement, e-licensing, online citizen access to governmental databases, and e-democracy initiatives, both in terms of prerequisites to successful implementation and in terms of organizational and social impacts of these initiatives.

Seminar Series

The  course helps students to strengthen  their  ability  to do guided  research,  make  a report  on technical issues and present these issues in a scientific set up.  While lecturers will give the students guidelines on the topics to research  on, they will not formally teach them in class.

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