Studio 2

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College Unit & Department: 

Architectural Design Fundamentals V

The course introduces the students to the professional architectural graphic representation of design ideas informs of working drawings.Objectives/aim:• To develop skills in detailed drawings,• Produce appropriate working drawings with an emphasis on clarity, efficiency, and standardization ofinformation.• Produce high-quality presentation work using both digital and hand-made media; and• Have an insight into design practice, facilitating them to develop into efficient, knowledgeablemembers of any design team subsequent to graduation.  

Economics for Architects

Architecture being a profession that is people-centred, this course introduces the student to the socioeconomicframework of society, which has a significant bearing on the profession of architecture.Objectives/aim:• To gain an understanding of the relationship between social economic factors and architecture• To develop and apply aspects of economics in the architectural project designs   

History of Architecture II

The course is an important subject for introducing the student to urbanisation and industrial revolutionwhich were precursor to the evolution in architecture.Objectives/aim:• To introduce students to the effects of urbanisation and industrialisation on architectural developmentduring the industrial revolution period.• To appreciate the effect of the introduction of iron, steel, glass and reinforced concrete in constructionon architecture• To understand the factors and directions in modern architectural movements   

Environmental Building Science II

This course provides the student with an in-depth understanding of dealing with building climatology andthermal control, lighting, acoustics in buildings.Objectives/aim:• To acquire skills of applying building climatology data• To gain an understanding of thermal control• To be gain an understanding of light design in a building    

Architectural Design Fundamentals IV

The course is vital in gaining professional graphical representation of architectural designs and acquiringpractical skills of setting out a building.Objectives/aim:• To exploit the application of the various presentation techniques• To use the knowledge of presentation techniques in design• To gain skills of setting out buildings   

Architectural Design Portfolio IV

Architectural Design Portfolio IV provides the student with design skills of the moderate complexity of thebuilt form and the manipulation of space to address the aesthetic and functional needs of a simple builtenvironment.Objectives/aim:

  • To introduce students to an integrated design approach of dealing with several issues, eg. Site.

• To deepen the understanding of design       

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