SR 7

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Research Methods

This course is intended to equip graduate students with skills for undertaking research in the Humanities in general and in Literature in particular.  By the end of the cause, the student should have a clear theoretical understanding of theories of knowledge and research.  He/she should also be equipped with practical skills that would enable him/her to access information from various sources, to plan and execute field research, and make a careful analysis of the data collected as well as presenting a well written dissertation.  

Epic Poetry and Prose

  1.   The course examines epic or heroic literature, both primary and secondary, from classical to modern times.  European and African epics are represented in poetic as well as prose modes


African poetry and the contemporary experience

  1. This course will explore the theory and issues that inform and affect African Poetry and the contemporary experience.
  2. It will especially examine the development of African Poetry in the contemporary era and the impact contemporary African poets have had on the social reality as well as vision.
  3. It will also explore the impact of changes in the contemporary era on the aesthetic stance of the poets.
  4. It will focus very deliberately on the poets that have become prominent during the 1980s up to date and have influenced the development of African Poetry:

The African Novel

  1. The trend(s) of the African Novel
  2. Beginnings of novel writing on the African Continent
  3. Growth of the African Novel
  4. Distinct characteristics of the African Novel
  5. The Novel genres in post independence Africa


Theatre For Development

This course will introduce to the graduate students the study and research on theatre and drama as crucial aspects of social and political development.  In order to help a society retain its desirable values, arrest impeding ailments on time and exercise evils that plague people.  Theatre for Development is a tool that could be used. The course will explore the phases and trends in Theatre for Development in Uganda in particular and Africa in general.

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