The Phenomenon Of Human Rights In Sub-Saharan Africa Since 1960

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> The Phenomenon Of Human Rights In Sub-Saharan Africa Since 1960
Course Code: 
HIS 3204
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 3
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Academic Programs: 
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 
  1. The role of Institutions in conscientising African e.g. U.N., Education, the Mass Media, Pan-African Congress etc.
  2. Emancipation and the repressive colonial state
  3. Guarantees of human rights in selected African Independence Constitutions – A critique
  4. State Institutions and human rights e.g. the Army Police, the Chiefs etc. Since Independence
  5. The rights of minorities
  6. The struggle for democratic governance in Africa since independence
  7. Human rights and the wars
  8. The rights of refugees
  9. The press and human rights in Africa
  10. Academic freedom
  11. The workers rights
  12. The rights of women and children today
  13. Environment and human rights
  14. Neo-colonialism and its socio-economic implications
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