Being a profession that commands a certain way of life, engineering subscribes to fundamental rules that the engineer must adhere to in practice. This course introduces the student to the practical imperatives of the engineering profession. With the ever increasing cases of computer crimes, it is important to expose the student with the implications and challenges associated with use of computers in society today
Interpret the social context of a particular implementation; Identify assumptions and values embedded in a particular design; Evaluate a particular implementation using empirical data; Describe positive and negative ways in which computing altars the modes of interaction between people; and Explain why computing/network access is restricted in some countries· Analyze an argument to identify premises and conclusion; illustrate the use of example, analogy, and counter-analogy in ethical argument; detect use of basic logical fallacies in an argument; identify stakeholders in an issue and our obligations to them; and articulate the ethical tradeoffs in a technical decision.· Identify progressive stages in a whistle-blowing incident; Specify the strengths and weaknesses of relevant professional codes as expressions of professionalism and guides to decision-making;