This is a continuation of CMP1101: Electronics I.
Indicate the areas of use of bipolar logic families; and demonstrate the ability to implement a range of logic functions using bipolar logic.· Incorporate design strategies in power distributions and transmission; and apply methods to minimize noise and other signal degradations.· Compare and contrast the properties of different kinds of storage element to serve different purposes; and select (with reasons) appropriate kinds of storage elements for use in a range of possible devices.· Explain the practical difficulties resulting from the distribution of signals; and explain ways to overcome these difficulties when interfacing different logic families.· Explain with justification the ideal properties of operational amplifiers; design various amplifier structures and filters with ideal op-amps; understand characteristics of non-ideal op-amps; and design simple circuits with them.· Explain with justification the benefits and the drawbacks associated with the simulation of circuits; identify aspects of circuits that are not readily amenable to simulation; and simulate a range of possible circuits using a suitable software package.