General Topology,

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Course Code: 
MTH 3110
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 1
Year of Study: 
Year 3
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Description & Objectives: 

This course is about the study of elementary properties of topological spaces. Topological spaces turn up naturally in mathematical analysis, abstract algebra and geometry. A topological space is a structure that allows one to generalize concepts such as convergence, connectedness and continuity. Course Objectives:This course is intended 

  • To introduce the student to elementary properties of topological spaces and structures defined on them
  • To introduce the student to maps between topological spaces
  • To develop the student’s ability to handle abstract ideas of Mathematics and Mathematical proofs.


Learning Outcomes: 
  • Understanding elementary properties of topological spaces and structures defined on them
  • Construct maps between topological spaces
  • ability to handle abstract ideas of Mathematics and Mathematical proofs


General Topology
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Microsoft Office document icon MTH3110.doc31 KB samba porno porno gratis x