Graph Theory

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Graph Theory
Course Code: 
MTH 3210
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 3
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

A graph is a set of objects called vertices connected by links called edges. Graph Theory is the study of graphs. There are many structures that can be represented by graphs. These range from road networks to the structure of the Internet. This course will introduce Graph Theory to the student, giving some of the main problems Graph Theory is concerned with, demonstrating the topics of trees and distance, matching and factors, connectivity and paths, graph coloring, edges and cycles, and planar graphs. The course is useful for those who need to learn to make coherent arguments in the fields of mathematics and computer science.                                                                                                                                                                     Objectives:This course is intended to;

  • Introduce the student to the terminology of Graph Theory
  • Introduce the student to the different types of graphs
  • Introduce the student to the Coloring and Routing problems of Graph Theory.


Learning Outcomes: 

 On completion of this course,students learn;

  • the terminology of Graph Theory
  • the different types of graphs
  • the Colouring and Routing problems of Graph Theory.
Graph Theory
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