Industrial Training

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Course Code: 
CSC 2301
Course Credit Units: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

During Industrial training, students are to go and work in an organization with an IT department. The student is to be under the supervision of one of the workers in the organization. The student is assigned duties in line with the operations of the organization. Staff from Makerere University will make visits to get the students’ view of the organization as well as the organization’s view about the student. The supervisor will be given a form to evaluate the students and the student will make a report about his experience. The two reports will be used to evaluate the student.

Learning Outcomes: 

During Industrial training, students are to go and work in an organization with an IT department. The student is to be under the supervision of one of the workers in the organization. The student is assigned duties in line with the operations of the organization. Staff from Makerere University will make visits to get the students’ view of the organization as well as the organization’s view about the student. The supervisor will be given a form to evaluate the students and the student will make a report about his experience. The two reports will be used to evaluate the student.

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