Legal and Ethical Aspects of Computing

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Course Code: 
MIT 7218
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Graduate Level
Course Description & Objectives: 

The course focuses on issues that involve computer impact on society and related concerns. The students will be taught issues on: Transitional data flow; copyright protection; Information as a source of economic power; rights to access computer systems; computer crime; data privacy; estab- lishing national priorities in the technical and social aspects of computing; current and anticipated uses of computer prediction. The course will also examine and evaluate the meaning of ethics and professional conduct including the protection of personal ethical concerns.  The students will also be exposed to the status of the regulation and emerging markets.

Learning Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion  of this course, the students will:  Apply the ethical concepts relevant to resolving moral issues in business, industry, and other relevant areas of concern; Articulate and defend with good reasons his/her own ethical point of view pertaining to specific problem areas in business, industry, and related areas; Analyze business plans, working procedures and policies in terms of current legislative and case law; Evaluate proposed and actual changes in the law for their effect on their working and personal environments in terms of rights, liabilities and responsibilities; Present compelling arguments about the social impact of new technological developments; and In addition, students should be able to maintain and develop their awareness of the social, legal and ethical framework in which they find themselves, through knowledge of the underlying mechanisms of change in these areas.

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