Music Careers and Business

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Course Code: 
MUS 1108
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 1
Year of Study: 
Year 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Academic Programs: 
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

It will explore the diverse career opportunities associated with the music industry ranging from academic to self-employed and entrepreneurial perspectives. The advantages and disadvantages of each career path will be explored so as to enable students make a guided choice for their career paths. Students will be exposed to the functioning of a number of companies within the music industry including, but not limited to: recording studios, artist management companies, clubs, concert halls, music retails, radio, television, films etc. As part of the music business, students will begin to develop essential skills in letter writing, resumes, business creation, job applications record keeping, internships and networking. The students will benefit from guest lectures who themselves are stakeholders in the music industry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Objectives: 

  • To expose students, at an early stage of their training, the possible career paths they can take after completion of the program
  • To provide students with a rigorous foundation of the basic precepts of music as a business product
  • To equip students with excellent communication skills as a requirement for success in business


Learning Outcomes: 
  • Knowledge of the possible career paths in music to enhance forced learning
  • Knowledge of the basic percepts of music as a business product
Music Careers and Business
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