Neighborhood Planning and Design

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Neighborhood Planning and Design
Course Venue:

Lecture Room 3025

College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology


Course Schedule

4 PM: 
5 PM
6 PM: 
7 PM
Course Code: 
UPD 7202
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Graduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

Neighborhoods remain an important locus of everyday life. In particular, the quality of a neighborhood's housing stock, physical infrastructure, social relationships (both internal and external), environment, and employment and business opportunities have a major impact on the quality of life experienced by its residents.The course focuses on skills, practices and values fundamental to successful neighbourhood planning. The various planning approaches upon which the field is based forms the major component of the course.   

Learning Outcomes: 
  1. A broad understanding of the purposes of neighbourhood planning and design
  2. Basic competence to manage a neighbourhood planning process.
  3. Fundamental Design Skills – Ability to apply basic organizational, principles to the conception and development of neighbourhoods
  4. Collaborative Skills – Ability to identify and assume divergent roles that maximize individual talents, and to cooperate with other students when working as members of a design team and in other settings.


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