Home >> Courses Catalogue >> PLANT PHYSIOLOGY
Course Venue:

Physics Laboratory

College of Education and External Studies
Course Code: 
BIO 2101
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 1
Year of Study: 
Year 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Description & Objectives: 

The course aims at exposing student-teachers to the basic principles of plant physiology and their practical applications in real life situations. The context of the interactions between the plant and its environment is emphasized in this course. 

Learning Outcomes: 

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Effectively carry out biological experiments using various scientific techniques.
  2. Describe the different physical and biochemical processes in plants and the environmental factors influencing them.
  3. Describe plant growth and development and the factors influencing these processes
  4. Give and explain different kinds of plant physiology-based skills and knowledge that can be of practical application to the learner.
plant physiology
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