Selected Topics in Networking

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Course Code: 
MCN 8107
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 1
Year of Study: 
Year 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Graduate Level
Course Description & Objectives: 

This course shall cover areas in networking that are not covered in the curriculum. As we aim at establishing a research led-institution,  our student must have techniques to conduct research and must be up-to-date with the contemporary research issues and emerging technologies in networking areas.  In most cases,  these areas will  be based on contemporary research challenges  that  are researched by reputed researchers in the world. The delivery of this course shall emphasize various research methodologies.

Learning Outcomes: 

Students successful completing this course will have a broad comprehension of communication networks. Additionally,  they will get in-depth understanding of emerging state-of the art areas in networking and their applications. Successful students shall also acquire vital research skills that will  enable them to conduct research for their projects and theses effectively.  Other important outcome that will be attained through proposed  course assessments include learning presentation skills and working in groups.

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