Socio-Economic and Political Developments In East Asia Since 1900

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Socio-Economic and Political Developments In East Asia Since 1900
Course Code: 
HIS 2205
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 
  1. The East Asia, land and people
  2. The enduring part of East Asia 19th Century
  3. China before 19th Century, a brief survey
  4. Korea, an embattled land
  5. The awakening of East Asia, the growth of Nationalism since 1990
  6. Revolution in Chinese history, the boxer uprising 1900
  7. The growth of anti feudal nationalism in Japan
  8. Decolonization process in Philippines
  9. Constitutional development in East Asia
  10. The revolution of 1911, China becomes a Republic
  11. The foundation of communist – party and fall of Komintang 1920 - 30
  12. Ultra nationalism in Japan
  13. Modern East Asia
  14. The Communist revolution in China
  15. The economic “Miracles” in Japan, Korea and Taiwan
  16. East Asia today
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