Lumumba Dining Hall

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College Unit & Department: 

World Revolutions 1600 to 1950

  1. Introduction
  2. Categories of revolutions
  3. Theories of revolutions


Themes of African History 1500 To 1871

  1. Agricultural (Neolithic revolution)
  2. Diffusion and use of metals
  3. Classification of African peoples using linguistic techniques
  4. Migrations of Ethnic groups
  5. Sources of African History


Decentralization and Development

  • Theories of centralization and decentralization in political, organizational sciences and economics, notably new institutional economics.
  • Mono-centric and polycentric models of governance will be constructed.
  • Definitions and dimensions of decentralization and various approaches to decentralization, which include functional, real, political, economic, fiscal and administrative.


Social Services and Human Resource Development

  • Theories of Human Resource Development (The state, philosophy of welfare, Structural Adjustment and Social Service Delivery, social security systems)
  • Social Services and infrastructure in Development (The Traditional African welfare systems; The role of the state, Religious Organization and NGOs in Uganda)
  • Employment, Deployment, Labor Relations and Rights, Remuneration and performance, equity and welfare and Labor flight to developed countries.


Information Technology and Development

  • Uses Of Information; Types Of Information And Communication Sources Available Globally And The Position And Opportunities For Developing Countries Vis  Vis The Information.
  • Information, Attitude and Behavioral Change. Public Relations, Customer Psychology and Care, Human Behaviors and Commodity Tastes and Business Ethics.
  • Information Imbalances and Monopolies; the Digital Sources and Divide.
  • Information From The Media, Advertisement, Radio, Television And The Press And Records Management


Ethics, Leadership And Community Development

  • The Problem Of Corruption On Development
  • The Importance Of Morality In Development
  • The Role of Ombudsman Institutions like The Inspector General of Government (IGG) And the Leadership Code with special emphasis on Uganda.
  • Accountability


Introduction to Computer Applications

  • Introduction to Computers (Soft And Hard Wares, Operations)
  • A Survey of Computer Programmes
  • Introduction to Word Processing, (Microsoft Windows and Excel)
  • Introduction to Lotus (Spread Sheet)


Introduction to Development Studies

It describes the:

  • The Development Studies Approach
  • Political Economy Analysis
  • Growth, Development And Its Indices 
  • Introduction to Theories And Concepts Of Development
  • Analysis Of Concepts Like Means Of Production, Modes Of Production, Production Relations, Social Relations, Historical Materialism;


Architectural Studies in Archaeology

The course is recommended for students majoring in archaeology, civil engineering, urban planning and architecture. It covers identifying and analyzing of architectural and engineering works, burial structures and buildings.  

Research Methods in Archaeology

The aim of this course is to teach students about the basic methods of designing and implementing a scientific research in archaeology and anthropology.  


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