E-Service Delivery

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Course Venue:

CIT Conference Room

CIT Block B
College of Computing and Information Sciences


Course Code: 
MIT 7216
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Graduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

The course begins by looking the definitions of e-governance and e- government. The course then introduces policy and management issues specific to e- governance. The course seeks to introduce students to topics salient to effective governmental  adoption  and  implementation  of  initiatives  mediated  by  the  Internet, including e-procurement, e-licensing, online citizen access to governmental databases, and e-democracy initiatives, both in terms of prerequisites to successful implementation and in terms of organizational and social impacts of these initiatives. Core questions addressed in the course include what government functions are best implemented through e-government methods, how e-government initiatives may be evaluated to assess effectiveness, what exemplary practices might improve e-government effectiveness, what the sociopolitical implications of e-governance are, and how the training of public administrators must change given new roles emerging due to the rise of e-governance.   

Learning Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  •  Have knowledge and understanding of
  1.  Electronic Services and its importance to society; o basics of E-governance and its laws and policies; o models of best practices in e-service delivery
  2.  possible innovations in public administration through E-services delivery
  •  Develop skills of the effective use of Electronic Services as citizens


File Attachments:
Microsoft Office document icon MIT 7216 E.doc36 KB
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