Architectural Design Fundamentals II

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Course Venue:


Fine Arts
College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology


Course Schedule

2 PM: 
5 PM
8 AM: 
12 PM
Course Code: 
ARC 1202
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Academic Programs: 
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

Architectural Design Fundamentals II introduces the student to basic drafting techniques and use ofdrafting instruments of the architectural profession. These form the language of graphical expression ofdesign ideas.Objectives/aim:• To acquaint the student with drafting instruments• To introduce the student to basic drafting techniques• To train the student in skills of visual observation• To introduce the student to model making skills   

Learning Outcomes: 

On completing this course the student should be able to produce orthographic, isometric and axonometricforms and to relate form with culture and art.   

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