1. Concept of atmospheric pollution. 2. Role of human beings in atmospheric pollution. 3. Sources of pollution: point and non-point sources. Point sources of pollution; domestic, industry, agriculture, hospitals and traffic. Non-point sources: accidental spills, sprays and intermittent dumping of pollutants.4. Climate and man, atmospheric air pollution and its effects on climate, concept of climate change and anthropogenically induced global warming, green house effect.5. Hydrological cycle and its significance for control of water pollution. Human exposure (direct and indirect effects). Pollution patterns. Pollution monitoring. 6. Control measures to environmental pollution. Impact of man on energy resources, industrialization, deforestation and urbanization.7. Ozone depletion and its impact on the environment, acid rain, water pollution, pollution control and management (with emphasis on Uganda).8. Environmental standards of pollution.9. EIA of pollution potential projects.