Basics in Writing Fugues and African Song Cycle

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Course Code: 
MUS 3111
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 1
Year of Study: 
Year 3
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Academic Programs: 
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

The course offers compositional skills in writing fugues and African song-cycles. It examines the theoretical background of the exposition of fugues in the style of J S Bach. In addition, the course examines the scoring for chords of the strings, woodwinds, and brasses of an orchestra. The course also examines the theoretical background of an African song cycle and the analysis of several song cycles. Poems on a related topic are examined, their flow of ideas, expressions, mood, texture, accompaniment, and form. In addition, the course examines the traditional African musical instruments. Students begin on a composition project of two fugues and one song cycle, guided by the supervisor.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Objectives:                       

  • To equip students with skills for writing an exposition of at least a three-voice fugue in both the major and minor modes, in the style of J S Bach
  • To impart skills for writing chords for the strings, woodwinds, and brass sections of a western orchestra
  • To impart skills for writing an ethnic poem on a given topic
Learning Outcomes: 
  • Ability to analyze and write an exposition of at least a three-voice fugue in both major and minor keys in a style of J S Bach
  • Ability to orchestrate homophonic music for the string, woodwind, and brass section of an orchestra
  • Ability to write an original poem, set music to it, and give it an instrumental accompaniment in one’s ethnic music style


African Song Cycle
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