Community Music Project

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Community Music Project
Course Code: 
MUS 3213
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 3
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Academic Programs: 
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

It offers opportunities to students to train in an internship capacity with respected organization (governmental or non-governmental), which is involved in community outreach programs. The organization chosen must be, approved by the Departmental Music Committee. Through a survey research, a student will identify a development concern of a particular community, under the supervision of a member of staff. Through creative processes with community exposure-immersion and special sessions on community situational analysis and exploration of the different musical forms, the student will plan and conduct a community music program. This program should not have less than four sessions. Apart from submitting a plan for this program, the student writes an internship report under, the supervision of a member of staff. The host organization will be requested to write a guided report filled out in form of a questionnaire.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Objectives: 

  • To offer the student the opportunity to practice the theories of community music and theatre for development in the natural contexts
  • To evaluate the relevance of community music as a forum for social, cultural and psychological redress


Learning Outcomes: 
  • Ability to apply the theories community music in the natural contexts
  • A report including an evaluation of the relevance of community music as a tool for social, cultural and psychological redress
  • Ability to conduct as successful community music session
  • Ability to competently write project plan and an internship report


 Community Music Project
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