Foundation of Ugandan Popular Music

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Course Code: 
MUS 2116
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 1
Year of Study: 
Year 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Academic Programs: 
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

Students will examine the nature of the types of Ugandan popular music, its creators and audiences. Emphasis is on the historical and social factors that shaped this unique body of music. Through critical listening to different genres, the students will explore the characteristics of popular music in Uganda, which forms the basis for a musical voice relevant to the market available in Uganda. The course also examines the process of creating this music with emphasis to the influence of the media and technology. Influence from the Diaspora will also be examined. Various genres will be covered in an effort to show how trends in popular music change, and are in turn changed by, the historical movements of technology, economics, and demographics.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Objectives: 

  • To examine the meaning of popular music and how it is defined in the Ugandan context
  • To analyze the different musical genres of popular music in Uganda
  • To trace the history of Ugandan popular Music
  • To develop in students an awareness and appreciation for the wide array of styles that makes up the body of popular music in Uganda


Learning Outcomes: 
  • Demonstration of knowledge of the basic elements of popular music in Uganda
  • Ability to identify the major styles present in popular music, and the great performers representative of the various styles
  • Demonstration of an understanding of the historical continuum and the socio-economic factors that helped shape popular music in Uganda
Ugandan Popular Music
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