Illustration IV

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Course Code: 
IFA 3206
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 3
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

This course introduces students to drawing for illustration; advanced computer aided Illustration and dummy production for illustration reproduction. It also sets project in research for creative thinking and creative skills necessary for developing students’ skills in general design and critical visual thinking. It employs story boards, colouring of images, utilization of computer techniques of 2D animation, live tests of character movement, timing.

Learning Outcomes: 

Knowledge and Understanding of;

  • The breadth of drawing as an activity fundamental to image generation, investigation and expression.
  • The role of the visual communication process in the development of imagery.
  • Relationship of computer technology & image formation and manipulation
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