Industrial attachment I

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Industrial attachment I
Course Code: 
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Description & Objectives: 

The student should enter the actual work environment and not a training scheme on the sidelines. The student is attached to a firm using Civil Engineering Surveyors or Related Professionals.  It is at the level of the practice courses (CES1105 & CES1205) and is for ten weeks supervised by a department staff member. The student prepares a report discuss0ing the training environment, lessons learnt, challenges faced and recommendations.  This report has to be approved by both the training officer at the firm and the student’s supervisor and should be handed in to them before the beginning of the academic year.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Objectives:

  • By undertaking the Industrial Training programme, the student will be able to:
  •  Communicate  effectively  with  fellow  workers  and  supervisors  in  issues  related  to  projects undertaken.
  •    Demonstrate and practice good working ethics and to internalize excellence.
  • Attest and  practice  high-quality   organizational   skills  in  enhancing   individual   and  group effectiveness and productivity.
  •     Demonstrate creativity and innovation in solving problems related to real-life projects.
  •          Exhibit pleasant interpersonal skills in developing understanding and appreciation of individual


Learning Outcomes: 

At the end of this course, a student should be able to:

  •       Identify and describe the major activities of the sections where he/she was attached.
  •       Describe the technical aspects of the training that was undertaken.
  •       Identify technical areas of improvement of the sections where he/she was attached
  •                Write a clear and understandable training report
Industrial attachment I
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