This course isimportant to the management, productivity and differentiation of an organization. Informationisderivedfromdata.Thismeans thatdata mustbeefficientlycollected,organized,retrievedandmanagedtomakeitmeaningfulto theorganization. Thus,thedevelopment, deployment,managementandintegrationofdata and information systems to support the organizationare a vital role of the IT professional.Consequently, theknowledge area of Information Management should include thecollection,organization,modeling,transformation,presentation,safetyandsecurityofthe data and information. Aims: This course is aimed at giving students the skills needed to efficiently collect, organize, model, transform, present, and secure data and information. Students will earn how tointegrateinformationwithInformationSystemstomakeitmeaningfultothe Organization.
On completion of this course unit, the students will be able to:Differentiate and use key terms such as: information, data, database, database management system, metadata;