IT Strategic Planning and Management

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> IT Strategic Planning and Management
Course Code: 
MIS 7215
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Graduate Level
Course Description & Objectives: 

This course addresses the ways in which managers use modern business information systems and networks to enhance the management process and promote business outcomes. Building on core concepts of the role and function of information systems in the organization, the course focuses on the key areas of management decision making related to investment in and strategic management of information technology resources.

Learning Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of the course the student will reliably demonstrate the ability to:(i)   explain the role of, and comment on a range of modern business applications;(ii)  survey the range of activities involved in, and decisions related to, the acquisition and/or development of a business information system;

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