Kiswahili Novel

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Kiswahili Novel
Course Code: 
KSA 3208
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 3
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Academic Programs: 
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

This course involves learners of Kiswahili in reading and understanding the Kiswahili novel. It covers the following topics: introduction to Kiswahili novel, the theory of the novel, the historical perspective of the novel and practical criticism of Kiswahili novel.

Learning Outcomes: 

.  To enable learners understand the historical development of the Kiswahili novel2.  To enable learners think critically3.  To enable learners to read and interpret the Kiswahili novel

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