The Phenomenon Of Human Rights In Sub-Saharan Africa 1850 To 1960

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> The Phenomenon Of Human Rights In Sub-Saharan Africa 1850 To 1960
Course Code: 
HIS 3105
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 1
Year of Study: 
Year 3
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Academic Programs: 
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 
  1. Definition of concepts
  2. The University Declaration of Human Rights and other human rights convention e.g. Geneva, OAU, etc.
  3. Categories of human rights e.g. Civil and political, Socio-cultural and economic ad the rights of nations to self determination
  4. Traditions, customs and human rights in pre-colonial Africa
  5. Pre-colonial state systems and the rights of subject people
  6. Predatory states and the rights of vassals states
  7. Slavery in pre-colonial African societies
  8. Slave Trade
  9. The dawn of colonialism and colonial conquest
  10. Colonialism and land alienation
  11. Forced labour
  12. Colonialism and the violation of cultural rights
  13. Racism in Africa
  14. The structure of the colonial state and African political right
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