Practice at Leveller level

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Course Code: 
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Description & Objectives: 

This course uses what has been learned in courses CES1201, CES1202 and CES1204 in combination in field work The level is the most used instrument in Civil Engineering Surveying and the most usual choice for height control. The leveller needs to be absolutely reliable. Much practice is needed, as the work must be professional, even though used by junior members of the survey team.The student groups are taught how to carry out tasks, then partly supervised and partly left to fend for themselves in accomplishing the tasks.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Objectives:

  •       The purpose of this course is to give practice with the level instrument so as to use it fast and efficiently, and in its many uses
  •       To give a practical understanding  of back sights, fore sights, intermediate  sights and stadia readings, rises, falls, height of instrument, height of collimation, reduced level and angle and distance measurements for positioning
  •       To  give  a  practical  grasp  of  loop  circuits,  link  circuits  and  open  circuits,  misclosures, checking by cuts and adjustments


Practice at Leveller level
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