A necessary pre-requisite for this course is Information Technology I. This course gives in-depth knowledge of computing law and ethics topics introduced earlier in pervasive themes of Information Technology. It is intended for IT undergraduate students who generally have little (or none) work experience in the IT industry. First, the course considers the international and national legal frameworks related to IT. A variety of computer crimes as far as responsibility for committing such crimes are discussed. Other issues include legal protection of IT development - non-disclosure agreements, employment contracts, intellectual property law (copyright, patent, licensing, and royalties), trademarks and warranty disclaimers. The course provides a survival kit for IT graduates entering the work force.The course also considers computer ethical issues, such as information privacy, computer crime, computer terrorism, identity theft, ethical hacking etc. Each issue is analyzed in terms of the major ethical theories. The course discusses professional ethics of IT societies (professional codes of conduct).Students will be offered a range of experiences that include: large group lectures; small group tutorials; working with team members in small groups; oral presentations; self assessment and peer assessment and; electronic discussion forum. Aims: the aims of this course are to:• Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of Computer Law and Ethics major issues; • Provide the students with the survival legal kit necessary for their future carrier as IT-professionals and; • Form an adoption of IT professional ethics/code of conduct.