Software Design Process and Metrics

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Course Code: 
MCN 7207
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Graduate Level
Course Description & Objectives: 

Software engineers may work in groups or be required to report or measure the activities on each phase of the software engineering  process.  This course is a step by step description of the software metrics. It includes introduction to foundations of measurement theory, models of soft- ware engineering measurement, software products metrics, software process metrics and measuring management.Aims:The course aims at giving the student an understanding and practical experience of the design metrics. The will learn and use different metrics to measure the productivity  of different software systems. 

Learning Outcomes: 

At the end of the course, students willOutline, select and apply various techniques of measuring design metrics.have acquired a strong grounding in different techniques of measuring software metrics.

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