This course introduces established and evolving methodologies for the analysis and design of an information system. Great emphasis’s placed on system characteristics, managing projects ,prototyping, CASE/OOM tools, systems development life cycle phases,theroleofthesystemsanalyst,systemsselection,definitionofsystems requirements, feasibilityanalysis,systemdesign,andsystemarchitecturearetopicsincluded. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze a problem and design an appropriate solution using a combination of tools and techniques. Aims:Thiscourseistogivestudentsthecoreskillssetneededtolearnorunderstand, analyze and design information Systems. At the completion of this unit students will have knowledge and understanding of:
Students will come away from thiscourse with a strong appreciation of the business requirements that drives any information systems as well as the ability to:• Developandpracticetheskillsandcompetenciesnecessarytoundertakerequirements analysis for a business application.• Applyproblemsolvingtechniquesatdifferentlevelsofabstractionandunderstandthe effect this may have on a system specification• Explaintheinterdependenceandrelationshipsbetweenallstake-holdersinthesystems development process.
On completion of this course unit, the students will be able to: