Systems Analysis and Design

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Course Venue:


CIT Block B
College of Computing and Information Sciences
Course Code: 
CSC 2202
Course Credit Units: 
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

This course introduces established and evolving methodologies for the analysis and design of an information system.  Great emphasis’s placed on system characteristics, managing projects ,prototyping, CASE/OOM tools, systems development life cycle phases,theroleofthesystemsanalyst,systemsselection,definitionofsystems requirements, feasibilityanalysis,systemdesign,andsystemarchitecturearetopicsincluded. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze a problem and design an appropriate solution using a combination of tools and techniques.                                                                                                                                                     Aims:Thiscourseistogivestudentsthecoreskillssetneededtolearnorunderstand, analyze and design information Systems. At the completion of this unit students will have knowledge and understanding of:

  • How information Systems is developed and specifically, how business needs can be analyzed.
  • The SDLC and the role of the Systems Analyst in Systems development.
  • Concepts of data modeling process modeling and to some extent, object modeling.
  • The strength of the analysis and design process as a generic approach,whilebeingexposed to the traditional structured, RAD and other approaches.

Students will come away from thiscourse with a strong appreciation of the business requirements that drives any information systems as well as the ability to:•     Developandpracticetheskillsandcompetenciesnecessarytoundertakerequirements analysis for a business application.•     Applyproblemsolvingtechniquesatdifferentlevelsofabstractionandunderstandthe effect this may have on a system specification•     Explaintheinterdependenceandrelationshipsbetweenallstake-holdersinthesystems development process.   

Learning Outcomes: 

On completion of this course unit, the students will be able to:

  • Define and describe the five phases of the system development lifecycle;
  • State at least five expected benefits from systems projects;
  • Explainatleastthreewaysinwhichinformationsystemssupportbusinessrequirements;
  • Describehowsystemsanalystsinteractwithusers,management,andotherinformation systems professionals;
  • Develop data flow diagrams and decision tables;
  • Evaluate systems development alternatives;
  • Solve realistic systems analysis problems;
  • Work as an effective team member on assigned projects.


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