Wireless and Mobile Networking

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Course Code: 
MCN 7202
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Graduate Level
Course Description & Objectives: 
  • This course shall provide fundamental to advanced  concepts of wireless and mobile networks and the underlying  technologies  It shall cover Medium access control mechanisms  for wireless commu- nications, wireless communication standards particularly WiFi and WiMAX technologies.  Cellular networks,  wireless Internet, pervasive  networks such as ad-hoc networks and  sensor networks and their protocols , etc


  • Wireless and  mobile communications  is very popular  in developing  countries due to the lack of fixed infrastructure.  Wireless and mobile networking technologies  there fore have direct relevance to out communities.   The  challenge  to practitioners  and  researchers  of these  technologies  is that they  have  been  undergoing  rapid  changes  and  new technologies  have  been  constantly  emerging. The  main  goal of this  course is to provide  students with  fundamental  principles  on existing  and emerging wireless and mobile networking technologies.
Learning Outcomes: 
  • The course shall offer an in-depth understanding of networking technologies and protocols of wireless and mobile networks.  Upon successful completion of the course, students shall be able to fill the existing gap of experts in job market in the area mobile and wireless networks.  In addition, the course shall provide students with foundation in the sufficient to undertake further research  in the field.
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