School of Biosecurity, Biotechnolgy and Laboratory Sceinces

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Year: Year 1
Course Title Course Code Yearsort descending Level
Industrial, Research & Education Attachment VI (Herbarium & Museum Technology) BLT 2213 Year 1 Undergraduate Level
Year: Year 2
Course Title Course Code Yearsort descending Level
Bio-statistics BLT 2201 Year 2 Undergraduate Level
Biologicals & Vaccine Production BLT 3102 Year 2 Undergraduate Level
Industrial, Research & Education Attachment VI (Biomedical Equipment maintenance & Instrumentation) BLT 2215 Year 2 Undergraduate Level
Industrial, Research & Education Attachment VI (Environmental & Aquatic Laboratory Science) BLT 2214 Year 2 Undergraduate Level
Industrial, Research & Education Attachment VI (Physiological & Chemotherapeutic Technology) BLT 2212 Year 2 Undergraduate Level
Industrial, Research & Education Attachment VI (Applied Nutrition & Food Science) BLT 2210 Year 2 Undergraduate Level
Industrial, Research & Education Attachment VI BLT 2209 Year 2 Undergraduate Level
Hospital Attachment VI BLT 2208 Year 2 Undergraduate Level
Industrial, Research & Education Attachment V BLT 2207 Year 2 Undergraduate Level
Hospital Attachment V BLT 2206 Year 2 Undergraduate Level
Research Methods & Communication Skills BLT 2205 Year 2 Undergraduate Level
Laboratory Computing & Information Technology BLT 2204 Year 2 Undergraduate Level
Industrial, Research & Education Attachment IV BLT 2107 Year 2 Undergraduate Level
Year: Year 3
Course Title Course Code Yearsort descending Level
Laboratory & Captive Animal Management BLT 3101 Year 3 Undergraduate Level
Diagnostic Endocrinology & Reproductive Health BLT 3103 Year 3 Undergraduate Level
Principles of Epidemiology & Disease Prevention BLT 3104 Year 3 Undergraduate Level
Special Clinical & Diagnostic Technologies BLT 3201 Year 3 Undergraduate Level
Project Planning, Management and Evaluation BLT 3202 Year 3 Undergraduate Level
Management & Entrepreneurship blt 3203 Year 3 Undergraduate Level
Non-Thesis Research Project BLT 3204 Year 3 Undergraduate Level samba porno porno gratis x