Advanced Research Methods

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Course Code: 
SGS 9101
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 1
Year of Study: 
Year 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Graduate Level
Academic Programs: 
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

The advanced research methods course is a four credit unit (4CU) course aimed at equipping students with knowledge and skills of frameworks, processes and approaches for designing a qualitative and/or quantitative doctoral research study in the natural and social sciences. Although there there is increased interest and use of qualitative research, the distinctive attributes of this approach from more traditional forms of research are still unclear to some. This course, therefore, offers a unique blend of qualitative and quantitative approaches in the research process. The broad objective of the course is premised on provision of sufficient information and knowledge to enable students acquire the skills to be able to formulate a relevant and acceptable doctoral research problem, make an educated choice of method(s), implement this/these method(s) and finally write a scientific report about the findings or results.

Learning Outcomes: 

At the end of this course, the students will have been empowered to:

  1. be able to critically analyse a scenario and formulate relevant research problems
  2. be able to analyse different scenarios and frame relevant problems that can be expressed and defined in a professional way (conceptualisation and operationalisation)
  3. make an informed choice of methods from the relevant research paradigm/paradigms correlated to the specified research problem
  4. developed skills to make effective use of the library and e-resources in sourcing literature


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