Clinical Radiology and Imaging 3

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Course Code: 
RAD 8401
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 3 (Recess)
Year of Study: 
Year 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Graduate Level
Academic Programs: 
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 


  1. Congenital bone lesions
  2. Bone trauma fractures and dislocations,
  3. Bone infection – osteomyelitis, syphilis, TB
  4. Benign and malignant bone tumours and secondaries
  5. Arthritis – Acute and chronic, rheumatoid arthritis, gout arthritis and other arthritides.
  6. Endocrine and metabolic bone diseases.
  7. Imaging techniques: Fluoroscopy, Myelography, Arthrography, Musculoskeletal ultrasound
  8. Radiological interpretation of Paranasal sinuses


Learning Outcomes: 

At the end of the course the student shall be able to: 

  • Discuss congenital and acquired disease conditions of the bones and joints
  • Discuss   congenital and acquired disease conditions of CNS
  • Describe the radiological appearances of the congenital and acquired conditions of bones and joints and CNS
  • Perform radiological imaging techniques of the musculoskeletal system and CNS, ENT, Ophthalmology


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