Fires in Forest Plantations

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Course Code: 
FBM 2206
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

The course highlights fire as an important ecological factor in forest management. The definitions, causes and impacts of fire in forest management are also covered. Knowledge on fire danger prediction, fighting equipment and control policies is provided to enable students solve fire management problems in forestry and allied resources. Objectives·         To provide students with the knowledge and skills in the ecology and management of forestry fires.·         To introduce students to common fire problems in tropical forests, agroforestry and allied resources with particular reference to Ugandan.·         To explore policies for fire management and control in forestry and allied resources.

Learning Outcomes: 
  • Students set and use fire as a management tool
  • Students design, implement and monitor fire protection measures
  • Students can serve as fire fighting bosses in forestry and other sectors.

Students can procure and operate some fire fighting equipment

Fires in Forest Plantations
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