Forestry Business Management

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Forestry Business Management
Course Code: 
FOM 3102
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 1
Year of Study: 
Year 3
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

A business course designed to introduce students to business management, forest based businesses/ entrepreneurial process, and to explore the strategies that improve economic performance of such businesses. The course prepares students to able to produce various natural enterprise business and management plans. Course objectives·         Understand the role of forest enterprises and develop skills in developing forest business and management plans·         Integrate business /entrepreneurship concepts, financing plan and forest project outputs in designing forest based business development and management strategies·         Provide students with basic understanding on the interaction of market influence with short-term or long-term national natural resource policies. 

Learning Outcomes: 

·         Develop understanding of the forest based business and entrepreneurial processes and their pivotal roles in developmentProduce natural enterprise development plans in general and forest (and natural enterprise) business (development) plans in particular for private sector and government agencies

Forestry Business Management
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