Human Resource Management

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Human Resource Management
Course Code: 
TOU 2204
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Academic Programs: 
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 
  1. Principles of personnel management and administration, recruitment, training. 
  2. Worker motivation, incentives and conditions of employment. 
  3. Labor law; management of occupational hazards. 
  4. Manpower planning and development. 
  5. Organizational structure, process and functioning. 
  6. Organizations as systems.
  7. Personal management recruitment, training, scheduling, motivation and appraisal.
  8. Development of management thought and practice, management functions. 
  9. Structure and design of organizations. 
  10. Organization and external environment; implications for management approach, staffing and personnel function. 
  11. Human behavior in the organization environment, (specifically group dynamics in the organization environment). 
  12. Interpersonal and organization communication. 
  13. Management problem and decision-making process. 
  14. Application of system thinking in organizational management with specific attention to operations management.
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