The situation of occupational health and safety is not good worldwide. Many workers continue to contract occupational disease, involve in accidents and get exposed to infections. All these affect occupational health and safety. This course is designed for undergraduate level training and is a compulsory course addressing the current concerns of occupational health and safety. The course provides knowledge equips the learners with knowledge and a wide range of skills of enhancing occupational health and safety in global and Ugandan context
The students will master the Knowledge and understanding of concepts and theories as used in occupational health and safety. The students’ should be able to explain the concepts, detail out the history of organizational behavior, explain the individual, group and organizational level factors that influence organizational behavior. Professional skills of hazard assessment and incident reporting and report writing will be acquired. Advocacy skills will also be imparted. This will assist in campaigning against hazards and making the workplace a safer place. Protection skills as well as assessment skills will be acquired. Regarding transferable skills: The students will acquire workplace assessment and worker protection skills as well as safety skills.