The course takes the students through surgery methods and techniques of management of patients enabling the trainee to apply those principles to a maxillofacial patient
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the trainee should be able:
Acquire general surgical skills in instrument and tissue handling, Incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue: Ability to incise superficial tissues accurately with suitable instruments.
Closure of skin and subcutaneous tissue: Ability to close superficial tissues accurately Knot tying: Ability to tie secure knots.
Haemostasis: Ability to achieve haemostasis of superficial vessels., Tissue retraction: Use of suitable methods of retraction.
Use of drains: Knowledge of when to use a drain and which to choose Tissue handling: Ability to handle tissues gently with appropriate instruments. Skill as assistant: Ability to assist helpfully, even when the operation is not familiar.