Travel Behavior And Management

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Course Code: 
TOU 2205
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Academic Programs: 
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 
  1. The tourist behavior (tourist needs, desires and motives)
  2. Needs, desires and motives assessment among tourists and travelers. 
  3. Tourist’s learning process. Selecting a tourism or travel destination (information available, perception, benefit segmentation, etc). 
  4. The tourist/traveler’s buying process (attention and awareness, knowledge and comprehension, attitudes, interest and liking, evaluation, preference and desire, intention and conviction, adoption, etc)
  5. Comparison on old and new tourism in travel behavior and management.
  6. Management of travel; air, sea, road and rail travel.
  7. Travel requirements including government procedures, immigration procedures and regulations. 
  8. Operations of travel agencies. 
  9. Travel related automation and technologies in the present world and implications for the travel industry.
  10. Global terrorism and its implications on travel behavior and management.
  11. Travel law-rights of travelers, liability of travel agents, class and action suits.
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