Advanced MolecularBiology and Gentics

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Advanced MolecularBiology and Gentics
Course Code: 
CRS 7118
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 1
Year of Study: 
Year 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Graduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

This course will provide a better understanding of the mechanism and regulation of fundamental processes in biological information transfer from DNA to RNA to protein, how this knowledge can be used in manipulation and improvement of plants of agronomic importance. Key topics to be covered include: The Cell as a unit of life; Cell division, differentiation and development; Review of Mendelian genetics; Causes of genetic variation; Biomolecules, their structure and function; Genome organization and maintenance; Gene Expression; Mobile genetic elements; Concepts of population genetics; Genetic linkage analysis; Concepts of quantitative genetics; Genetic basis of plant–pathogen interactions; Molecular markers; Gene cloning and expression; Recombinant DNA Technology.

Learning Outcomes: 

General objective

  • This course will also equip students with modern molecular techniques in genomics, diagnostics and recombinant DNA technology.

Specific objectives

  • To provide molecular genetic theory and techniques that will empower students in understanding modern biotechnology
  • To equip students with techniques to design and plan molecular biology experiments
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