Ecosystem Restoration

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Ecosystem Restoration
Course Code: 
WHM 7209
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Graduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

Ecosystems and risk analysis, causes and indicators for ecosystem degradation; environmental impact assessment for potential interventions, including public health  concerns; management techniques for ecosystem restoration, habitat restoration, captive breeding for repopulation, translocation management, captive animal nutrition.Types of pollution: air, water, soil, domestic and industrial. Modern techniques of restoration 

Learning Outcomes: 

After the course the student should be able to:

  • Identify the causes of the environmental degradation.
  • Assess the level of ecosystem degradation
  • Restore degraded ecosystems.
Ecosystem Restoration
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