Course Description & Objectives:
Review of relevant anatomy and physiology. Basics of haemostatis, Infection control. Organ support therapies, intensive care. Objectives:
- To introduce the postoperative student to common cardiothoracic diseases and expose him/her to the general concepts and principles underlying cardiothoracic diseases entities.
- Students shall be introduced to advanced methods of clinical analysis and to the interpretative principles of Radiological imaging and laboratory workup. He or she shall apply this knowledge in explaining findings and as much as possible apply evidence based Medicine Principles in solving clinical problems.
- To introduce the students to decision making skill through the application of conceptual models and or analogs to explain his/her decisions and to derive patient care decisions.
- The student shall be exposed to the use of algorithms and/or pathway models in organizing patient management protocols.
- Students shall be exposed to common and essential surgical operations, with the expectation that by end of Course he/she will be positioned to do these procedures