Paediatrics And Child Health 1

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Paediatrics And Child Health 1
Course Code: 
BMC 4113
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 1
Year of Study: 
Year 4
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Undergraduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 
  • This course is offered as an introductory course in Paediatrics and Child Health for undergraduate students. The course is designed for students to acquire basic knowledge and clinical skills in Paediatrics and Child Health. This is a clinical course that is delivered with an emphasis on student participation in all aspects of management of patients on wards to handle:
  1. History taking and physical examination of common paediatric conditions.
  2. Cognitive  knowledge,  technical  skills and clinical judgment  in the practice  of paediatrics  and child health.
  3. Communication, research, ethics and customer care.


Learning Outcomes: 

A student who has

  1. Acquired basic clinical skills in paediatrics and child health
  2. Acquired knowledge in the prevention and management of childhood illnesses
  3. Developed an appropriate attitude and professional behaviour in paediatrics and child Health
  4. Acquired knowledge for the promotion of child health.
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