Soil Chemical Processes

Home >> Courses Catalogue >> Soil Chemical Processes
Course Code: 
SOS 7202
Course Credit Units: 
Semester 2
Year of Study: 
Year 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level: 
Graduate Level
Course Discipline: 
Course Description & Objectives: 

Concepts and principles of soil chemical processes. SI units for essential in the course. The solid phase: Soil particle formation through weathering;. Types of clay, their structure and formation processes; Types and origins of negative charges on clay minerals;. Soil organic matter (SOM) types; Charges on soil OM and their implications on cation exchange capacities of tropical sesquioxide based soils. Soil solution phase: Characteristics; chemistry of water as a solvent; review of colligative properties of water in solutions; Ionic concentration versus activity; Activity coefficients; Ionic strength; Standard state of a substance; Types of reactions in soil and their equilibria constants

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