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Courses include a description and a summary of the objectives or expected learning outcomes, Course Codes, Credit units and much more. Students should read the complete description of a course because its summary eliminates essential information. Below you can browse courses by their titles

You can use the Course Title (selected by default), Course Code, Credit Units or Level of Study (Graduate or Undergraduate) to arrange the displayed information in ascending or descending order.

(11) | (64) | A (466) | B (182) | C (477) | D (172) | E (377) | F (249) | G (143) | H (173) | I (481) | J (10) | K (38) | L (178) | M (206) | N (79) | O (87) | P (509) | Q (35) | R (284) | S (379) | T (241) | U (36) | V (23) | W (71) | X (1) | Y (1) | Z (1)
Course Title Course Code Credit Unitssort ascending Level Program CI TT CV
Psychology of Art DRM 1203 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Drama)
Practice at Chainman level CES1105 4 Undergradu... Diploma In Civil Engineering and Surveying
Public and Private Sector Management DES 2111 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Development Studies
Practice at Leveller level CES1205 4 Undergradu... Diploma In Civil Engineering and Surveying
Plant Biology, Museum & Herbarium Technology BLT 2102 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Biomedical Laboratory Technology
Principles of Tourism Resource Management (Core) TOU 2201 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Tourism
PHOTOJOURNALISM WORKSHOP JCO 4202 4 Undergradu... Bachelor of Journalism and Communication
Poverty and Development DES 2204 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Development Studies
Professional Practice, Procedure and Ethics QUS 4103 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Quantity Surveying X o L
Principles of Surgery BVM 3104 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Veterinary Medicine
Property Economics LEC 3203 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Land Economics
Property Economics LEC 3203 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Land Economics
Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights EHR 1104 4 Undergradu... Bachelor of Ethics and Human Rights
Professional Practice, Procedure and Ethics LEC 4103 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Land Economics X o L
Property Investment Analysis LEC 4202 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Land Economics
Principles of Cell Culture CYT 3102 4
PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF COUNSELING SWA 2222: 4 Undergradu... Bachelor of Social Work and Social Admnistration
Professional Ethics EHR 2103 4 Undergradu... Bachelor of Ethics and Human Rights X o L
People and Cultures of Africa AHS 3104 4 Undergradu... Bachelor of Archaeology and Heritage Studies X o L
Principles and Practices of Archaeology AHS 1202 4 Undergradu... Bachelor of Archaeology and Heritage Studies
Poverty, Ethics and Human Rights EHR 2206 4 Undergradu... Bachelor of Ethics and Human Rights
Principles of Cell Culture CYT 3102 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science in Cytotechnology
Physiology EPH 1102 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Speech & Language Therapy
PHC and Communication Skills EPC 1104 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Speech & Language Therapy
PLANTS AS CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL FACTORIES BBT 3504 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Biotechnology
Partial Differential Equations EMT3202 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Computer Engineering
Physical disabilities and profound and multiple learning disabilities SLT 2203 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Speech & Language Therapy
Principles of Software Development I BSE1200 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Software Engineering
Participatory Approaches To Agricultural and Rural develpment ARI 1201 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Agribusiness Management
Petroleum Economics 4 PGP 4104 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Petroleum Geosciences And Production
Principles of Primary Care Surgery FAM 8201 4 Graduate L... Master Of Medicine in Family Medicine & Community Practice
Preventive, Social Paediatrics and Community attachment MMP 8301 4 Graduate L... Master Of Medicine in Paediatrics & Child Health
Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment DES 1104 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Development Studies
Politics of Global Economics DES 2201 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Development Studies
PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP BBT3603 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Biotechnology
Popular Dance Styles DNC 1209 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts (Music)


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