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Courses include a description and a summary of the objectives or expected learning outcomes, Course Codes, Credit units and much more. Students should read the complete description of a course because its summary eliminates essential information. Below you can browse courses by their titles

You can use the Course Title (selected by default), Course Code, Credit Units or Level of Study (Graduate or Undergraduate) to arrange the displayed information in ascending or descending order.

(11) | (64) | A (466) | B (182) | C (477) | D (172) | E (377) | F (249) | G (143) | H (173) | I (481) | J (10) | K (38) | L (178) | M (206) | N (79) | O (87) | P (509) | Q (35) | R (284) | S (379) | T (241) | U (36) | V (23) | W (71) | X (1) | Y (1) | Z (1)
Course Titlesort descending Course Code Credit Units Level Program CI TT CV
Safe Motherhood and Perinatal Medicine MOG 8101 5 Graduate L... Master of Medicine In Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Safety and Reliability Analysis 3 PGE 4206 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Petroleum Geosciences And Production
Safety Critical System CMP3206 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Computer Engineering X o L
Safety, Health and Environment Management TID 8102 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Technology Innovation And Industrial Technology
SALES FORCES MANAGEMENT COX 4220 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Commerce External
SANITATION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT FST 3103 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science in Food Science & Technology
SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS TEL4212 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science in Electrical Engineering X o L
SCHOLARLY WRITING AND COMMUNICATION PLS 8207 4 Graduate L... Ph.D in information Science
SCHOOL AND COLLEGE READING AND WRITING PROGRAMMES LLE 7102 3 Graduate L... Master Of Education In Language And Literature X L
Science and Technology in Development DES 3205 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Development Studies
SCIENCE PRACTICALS SOS 1301 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Horticulture
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY SCE 7101 4 Graduate L... Master Of Education In Science Education X
Scientific French FRA 2212 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Arts In Social Sciences
Scientific Project Proposal and Report Writing 2 PGP 3107 2 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Petroleum Geosciences And Production
SCIENTIFIC WRITING AND COMMUNICATION HSR 7302 2 Graduate L... Master in Public Structure Management
Scientific writing and dissemination CEB 8207 2 Undergradu... Master Of Science In Clinical Epid. & Biostatistics
Sculpture And Modelling I IFA 1220 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts
Sculpture Carving And Modelling II IFA 2120 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts
Sculpture Carving And Modelling III IFA 2220 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts
Sculpture Carving And Modelling IV IFA 3120 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts
Sculpture Fabrication I IFA 1219 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts
Sculpture Fabrication II IFA 2119 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts
Sculpture Fabrication III IFA 2219 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts
Sculpture Fabrication III IFA 3220 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts
Sculpture Fabrication IV IFA 3119 4 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Industrial And Fine Arts
Seafood, Poultry & Honey Technology DLQ 3104 3 Undergradu... Diploma In Livestock Health Sciences
Secretarial Duties and Ethics SES 3103 3 Bachelor Of Secretarial Studies
Secure Software Architecture and Design MCN 7205 3 Graduate L... Post Graduate Diploma Data Communications & Software Eng. X L
Security Protocols MCS 7221 3 Graduate L... Master Of Science In Computer Science X L
Security Studies IR 705 3 Graduate L... Master of Arts In International Relations and Diplomatic Studies
Sedimentary Petrology 2 GLO 2202 2 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Petroleum Geosciences And Production
Sedimentology 2 GLO 3105 2 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Petroleum Geosciences And Production
Seed Science & Technology CRS 4105 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture X o
SEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CRS 4105 3 Undergradu... Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture


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